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Over 10 Million people are out of water and food. The most important needed is water and medical help. Medicins sans frontieres opens a donation line, where you can help. We support their initiative against hunger and thurst. Please visit their website, where you can find more details and pictures, about their work. You can find it here. Car bomb attack in Mogadishu.
Over 10 Million people are out of water and food. The most important needed is water and medical help. Medicins sans frontieres opens a donation line, where you can help. We support their initiative against hunger and thurst. Please visit their website, where you can find more details and pictures, about their work. You can find it here. Car bomb attack in Mogadishu.
Over 10 Million people are out of water and food. The most important needed is water and medical help. Medicins sans frontieres opens a donation line, where you can help. We support their initiative against hunger and thurst. Please visit their website, where you can find more details and pictures, about their work. You can find it here. Car bomb attack in Mogadishu.
An Online Virtual Book Created For Fun. Prologue Pender Pirates, Suegali Warlords, Shadow Warriors, and the Bellingham Yacht Club. Ryan and Jason Little, brothers 20 and 22 respectively, and their friend Derek Harrison, 23 lived on South Pender at Tilly Point. In preparing for the White .
Over 10 Million people are out of water and food. The most important needed is water and medical help. Medicins sans frontieres opens a donation line, where you can help. We support their initiative against hunger and thurst. Please visit their website, where you can find more details and pictures, about their work. You can find it here. Car bomb attack in Mogadishu.
Over 10 Million people are out of water and food. The most important needed is water and medical help. Medicins sans frontieres opens a donation line, where you can help. We support their initiative against hunger and thurst. Please visit their website, where you can find more details and pictures, about their work. You can find it here. Car bomb attack in Mogadishu.
Over 10 Million people are out of water and food. The most important needed is water and medical help. Medicins sans frontieres opens a donation line, where you can help. We support their initiative against hunger and thurst. Please visit their website, where you can find more details and pictures, about their work. You can find it here. Car bomb attack in Mogadishu.
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Thomas Schmitt
Im alten Grund 2
Petersberg, 36100
Welcome to Puntland Hospital Website, This website is for providing up to date information to our cl. There are currently in the Patient Information Series, providing information about different types o. Puntland Hospital is the largest independent hospital in Somalia. Our aim is to provide both primary and acute hospital care for the population of the area. We are also involved in medical research, with special interest in tropical diseases.
About US and Contact Info. About US and Contact Info. About US and Contact Info. Wafdiga Wasiirka Caafimaadka Puntland Dr.
Saturday, May 8, 2010. CUDURO HALIS AH OO DHOWAANTAN KUSOO BATAY BULSHADA SOMALIYEED! Maqaalkan akhristow waxan rabaa inan kaga hadlo maxaa keenay in Somalida sanadaan danbe ay ugu soo bataan Cudurada halista ah. Arrinka ugu wayn ayaa waxa ay tahay Daawoyinka iyagana la khiyaameeyo ama dhacay oo lagu soo sameeyo dunida sedexaad kuwaas oo Ganacsatada somalida i.
Tuesday, April 4th, 2017. Diyaarad Maanta ka duushey Muqdisho kuna sii jeeday. WAR CUSUB-Galmudug oo digniin u dirtay xukuumadda Soomaaliya iyo arrimo horleh oo. War Saxaafadeed kasoo baxay Wasiirka Dastuurka iyo. Raisul wasaaraha xukuumada Somalia Xasan Kheyre ayaa.